New Book Review: Dark Genesis

Dark Genesis (The Darkling Trilogy, #1)Dark Genesis by A.D. Koboah
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Koboah really hits home with her debut novel, Dark Genesis, which channels a female slave, Luna, in the heart of hatred and injustice. Luna realizes that she has powers that have been handed down from her mother, a very powerful witch. She never uses these skills purposefully until the right moment in the story, which changes the course of the rest of her life. We see her find a bond with an unlikely being, a demon as she calls him, named Avery. Avery opens her eyes to a world that she never imagined existed and shows her the depths of herself through his own journey.

Koboah pulls the reader’s heart strings like a beautiful violin that ebbs and flows to the drama, pain and intensity of the storyline. You will find yourself crying, yearning as Luna yearns, cringing and smiling. The twists and turns you travel along will astound you as you dig deeper into each characters back story, learning their meaning.

I found myself pulled by Luna’s story but even secondary stories like Zila and Mary gave depth to the novel. Avery was a sweet contradiction that made you feel for him and his plight towards self-acceptance. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and will likely re-read it again when I feel like reading a good book. I read this novel on Kindle and it was FREE (surprisingly!), so I will purchase the hard copy to ensure it stays in my collection for a very long time! Highly recommended!

– T.R. Horne, author of Breaking Mobius and blogger for Raging Book Reviews on

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